
r and中文什么意思

发音:   用"r and"造句
  • rr and r, r & r
    1.=rest and recuperation (leave) 【美军】(正常例假以外的)休整假期。
    2.rock'n'roll 摇滚舞(曲)。
  • 每年给予美国军人除三十天例假外的五天休养假
  • r:     r = 1.refrigerator. 2. ...
  • a r:    简写的; 约略
  • r:     R=80000。 the ‘r' [R] months 九月到四月〔牡蛎当令的季节,月名都含有 r 字〕。 the three R's (作为初等教育基础的)读写算 〔reading, writing, arithmetic〕。 R = 1.〔拉丁语〕 recipe 【医学】处方。 2.radical. 3.Reaumur. 4.〔拉丁语〕 Rex, Regina. 5.radius. 6.ratio. 7.resistance. 8.retree. 9.roentgen. 10.range. 11.registered. 12.rifle. 13.regulating. r = 1.refrigerator. 2.rod.
  • r a:    抽油杆和油管
  • r of s:    系统复查,系统回顾
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The torque i acting on a particle is defined as the cross product of r and the force acting on the particle .
  2. With that rolling r and all that roaring
    .卷着舌头说r ,一字一句咆哮着
  3. Joe literally launched out during his r and r
  4. Evolution of centralization system of u . s . s . r and its inspiration
  5. Tell them we going for a little r and r


        r:     r = 1.refrigerator. 2. ...
        a r:    简写的; 约略
        r:     R=80000。 the ‘r' [R] months 九月到四月〔牡蛎当令的季节,月名都含有 r 字〕。 the three R's (作为初等教育基础的)读写算 〔reading, writing, arithmetic〕。 R = 1.〔拉丁语〕 recipe 【医学】处方。 2.radical. 3.Reaumur. 4.〔拉丁语〕 Rex, Regina. 5.radius. 6.ratio. 7.resistance. 8.retree. 9.roentgen. 10.range. 11.registered. 12.rifle. 13.regulating. r = 1.refrigerator. 2.rod.
        r a:    抽油杆和油管
        r of s:    系统复查,系统回顾
        r or:    rno rales or rhonchi 无干湿罗音; 无干湿罗音
        s r:    刺激
        t or r:    触疼或反跳疼
        t r:    度母; 吐兰
        t-r:    收发两用机
        no r or r:    rhonchi]无干湿音; 无干湿音
        r and r:     R and R, R & R 1.=rest and recuperation (leave) 【美军】(正常例假以外的)休整假期。 2.rock'n'roll 摇滚舞(曲)。
        alemana r-r:    手中转
        average r-r interval:    平均r-r间期
        cd-r drivescd-r:    光碟机
        preceding r-r interval:    前r-r间期
        r r conditioning:    前后反应制约
        r r interval:    r-r间期
        r-19 r-21:    甘草甜味素
        r-branch emission r:    支发射
        r-r cycle length:    r-r周期长度
        r-r interval:    ekg]心电图两个qrs综合波之间的间期; r-r间期; 心动间期
        r-r间期:    r r interval; r-r interval
        r} present range {= r:    代字
        shortest r-r interval:    最短r-r间期


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